a very special thank you to all of our major sponsors. without their generosity, this project would not be possible.

Narragansett Improvement Co.
Thanks to City Councilman Christopher Beauchamp
Asphalt Paving Contractors
223 Allens Avenue
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 331-7420
Fax: (401) 351-6444
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nicori.com
Thanks to City Councilman Christopher Beauchamp
Asphalt Paving Contractors
223 Allens Avenue
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 331-7420
Fax: (401) 351-6444
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nicori.com
Adamsdale Concrete
551 Weeden Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: 401-722-7625
Website: www.adamsdaleconcrete.com
551 Weeden Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: 401-722-7625
Website: www.adamsdaleconcrete.com
Boyle and Fogarty Construction
305 Farnum Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917
Phone: 401-232-7640
305 Farnum Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917
Phone: 401-232-7640
Cote Landscape Construction
624 Rocky Hill Road
North Smithfield, RI 02896
Phone: 401-749-1065
Website: www.cotelandscapeconstruction.com
624 Rocky Hill Road
North Smithfield, RI 02896
Phone: 401-749-1065
Website: www.cotelandscapeconstruction.com
R.I. House of Representatives
Rep. Stephen M. Casey
Rep. Michael A. Morin
Rep. Robert D. Phillips
Rep. Stephen M. Casey
Rep. Michael A. Morin
Rep. Robert D. Phillips
Blackstone Valley Irrigation
26 Rennie Drive
Blackstone, MA 01504
26 Rennie Drive
Blackstone, MA 01504
Murray Monument Company
9 Farm Street
Blackstone, MA 01504
Phone: 508-883-8544
Website: www.murraymonumentstone.com
9 Farm Street
Blackstone, MA 01504
Phone: 508-883-8544
Website: www.murraymonumentstone.com
The Valley Breeze
6 Blackstone Valley Place, Suite 204
Lincoln, RI 02865
Phone: 401-334-9555
Website: www.valleybreeze.com
6 Blackstone Valley Place, Suite 204
Lincoln, RI 02865
Phone: 401-334-9555
Website: www.valleybreeze.com